Sunday, November 25, 2007

Beirut, Burial and books

The Beirut show was not what I expected it to be. Zach Condon was sick, had a very weak voice and because of that he did'nt perform all the songs himself. The band played very well and that was what made my evening. Since, theres been a lot of talk about the show should have been cancelled. I tend to agree.

Attended the annual bookfair and catched and interview with Jonathan Lethem. I have a weakness for Brooklyn authors, Paul Auster, Jonathan Safran Foer etc. I really enjoyed the novel Motherless Brooklyn and it was interesting hearing about his newly translated novel The Fortress of Solitude, his Brooklyn childhood and the racial tensions then and now in America.

Right now I'm reading swedish author Jonas Hassen Khemiri's: Montecore: en unik tiger. The language is amazing and fun!

Can't stop listening to Archangel from the new Burial release Untrue. I'ts soooo good and the rest of the album is great too. Probably the best electronica release this year...

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Blogger Christian R said...

Yea Beirut was a rip-of IMO. Missed Lethem unfortunately, but got a sweet deal on Guilous Arn books. Will give Burial a try.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Tina said...

The Arn books are good. Deserves to be read many times.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Jürgen Kreileder said...

Well, at least you saw Zach :) I didn't even get the chance and my flight tickets weren't refundable either. Bummer!

Yea, I like Archangel too. Raver isn't bad either.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Tina said...

Oh, you had flight tickets too. That's a lot of money wasted :(

I'm glad you like the new Burial tracks. It might be some of the best electronica released this year.

11:24 AM  

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